health and fitness magazines to keep themselves


Comprehensive Guide to Healthy Living


Many people use health and fitness magazines to keep themselves in shape. While these publications often feature articles and advertisements for weight loss products, they al so feature nutrition information. As such, they can promote healthy weight loss themes. This research used two measures to determine which magazines contained the most weight loss content. First, we analyzed the number of articles on weight loss, and second, we determined the number of weight loss advertisements. We counted the number of advertisements in each issue and noted the type of advertisements.

We used a sample of 31 issues of the health magazine Fitness between March 2013 and Septe mber 2013. This magazine is bi-monthly and does not publish monthly issues. The magazine pages and covers were analyzed using a coding sheet that was previous ly used for skin-related research. The coding sheet was modified from a prior study on skin and weight loss to capture relevant weight loss content. The article content was then categorized by category and theme.

The magazine featured 39 articles related to weight loss. This was out of 819 total articles. The most common topics were diet and exercise. Many articles advertised weight loss pills.



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